Press Release: Neighbors United for Ward 6 Raises More than $193,000 by July 31 Filing Deadline from 1,400 Contributions

Meanwhile, Recall Charles Allen Campaign Remains under Investigation for Illegal Coordination with DC Republican Party, Super PAC As of the July 31 reporting deadline, Neighbors United for Ward 6, the campaign backing Ward 6 Councilmember Charles Allen and opposing the dangerous recall effort, has raised more than $193,000 from 1,400 contributions, with the majority of […]
City Paper: Is the Group Working to Recall Charles Allen Breaking the Law?

City Paper: Is the Group Working to Recall Charles Allen Breaking the Law?

The group fighting recall efforts in Ward 6 claims their opponents are breaking campaign finance rules. “I am generally concerned that the creation of the Alliance is intended to evade the contribution limits imposed on the Committee and that there is illegal coordination between both entities,” Wells wrote. Not only is the outside group not […]
Reason: Why Did Crime Increase in Washington, DC?

Reason: Why Did Crime Increase in Washington, DC?

What Caused the D.C. Crime Wave? Don’t blame criminal justice reform or a lack of social spending for D.C.’s crime spike. Blame government mismanagement. Full Link:  

Capitol Hill Corner: Editorial: What’s Behind the “Recall Charles Allen” Campaign?

“Taken together, the features of Allen’s legislative record which the recall leaders claim drove crime higher in DC actually show that Allen has implemented evidence-based criminal justice policy, endorsed basic police accountability measures, and served as a member of a Council that has taken steps to assist in police recruitment and retention that seem modest […]
City Paper: National Republicans Are Pumping Money Into the Push to Recall Charles Allen

City Paper: National Republicans Are Pumping Money Into the Push to Recall Charles Allen

Excerpt from February 12th article in the Washington City Paper. Read the full article here. Since launching this long-shot campaign a few weeks ago, several local news organizations (and a few national ones) have breathlessly reported its progress. The anti-Allen group’s recent announcement that it raised an eye-popping $56,000 in just its first month of […]

Capitol Hill Corner: Editorial, Part II: Who’s Behind the “Recall Charles Allen” Campaign?

“Proponents of the “Recall Charles Allen” campaign characterize it as a grass roots effort.  The list of initial donors simply does not bear that out. As I discuss below, the list of major donors (defined as giving $100 or more) is overwhelmingly comprised of people who work professionally in national politics or who are identifiable […]
Vox: How D.C. Became an Outlier on Crime

Vox: How D.C. Became an Outlier on Crime

Read the full article in Vox. Republicans blame Democrats for DC’s rising violent crime. The reality is much more complicated.
GGW: Fear and “loathing” in DC: local news cutbacks and recalls are a dangerous mix

GGW: Fear and “loathing” in DC: local news cutbacks and recalls are a dangerous mix

“Despite the censorious rhetoric, the goal of these efforts is not to take down specific individuals: there will always be a next target if they succeed. The goal is to create a deceptive, dangerous, and divisive “us and them” narrative, by flinging around so much b*llsh*t that no one can tell the difference between that and truth […]

Press Release: Campaign Raises $61,000, Announces Key Endorsements in First 10 Days

Campaign for Charles Allen Raises $61,000 in Ten Days, Earns Backing of Planned Parenthood of DC, Labor, Firefighters, Environmental Leaders, Transit Workers, and Local Dems Date: March 4, 2024 Contact: Website: | Neighbors United for Ward 6, the campaign committee formed to support Charles Allen and stop a misleading recall effort, raised $61,000 since […]
Hill Rag: Letter to the Editor

Hill Rag: Letter to the Editor

Recall ‘A Misplaced Use of Valuable Energy’: I applaud all efforts to address the issue of crime in the District. However, I find the campaign to recall Charles Allen to be a misplaced use of valuable energy. How best to deal with crime in a complex situation of overlapping Federal and City authorities, inadequate police, […]