Problem solvers and some of the most prominent leaders in DC are united in opposition to a recall effort and stand with Charles Allen.
Dr. Laura Meyers, Co-CEO, Planned Parenthood Advocates of DC, MD, and NoVa:
“Charles Allen has been an ardent supporter of sexual and reproductive health care and health equity, effectively serving as our Ward 6 Councilmember. The bills he has led on have had a tangible, positive impact on the lives of his constituents. We continue to endorse him and categorically do not support any effort to recall our Ward 6 Councilmember – and a true champion of reproductive freedom – from the DC Council for vague and dubious reasons. This is an unnecessary distraction from the real work we all need to do to fight for health equity in Washington, DC.”
David Hoagland, President, International Association of Fire Fighters Local 36:
“Charles Allen has been a strong supporter of IAFF Local 36 and the men and women serving their city as first responders in the District of Columbia Fire & EMS Department. He has had our backs to make sure firefighters and EMTs have the tools and resources they need to protect DC residents, fought for better pay and benefits for those who serve this great city, and expanded protections for our members’ health and safety. Now IAFF Local 36 has his back, too — we fully support Charles Allen as the Ward 6 Councilmember and oppose any recall effort. It’s a distraction from the hard work our city needs to focus on to improve safety and growth for our residents, businesses, and community.”
Sierra Club DC Chapter:
“Charles Allen is our environmental and climate champion on the DC Council. He’s a fighter for reducing climate pollution and air pollution in DC. Charles Allen has led efforts to transition the District off fossil fuels, reduce utility bills through energy efficiency, and expand sustainable transportation. The Sierra Club and the environmental community will fight to keep our champion on the DC Council.”
DC Democrats:
“Following a discussion and vote by our members on March 7, 2024, the position of the DC Democratic State Committee is clear: We do not support the effort to recall any of our Democratic elected officials without evidence of egregious misconduct or abuse of power. The DC Democratic Party remains steadfast in our commitment to working together to build a more inclusive, equitable, and prosperous future for all residents of the District of Columbia as we strive for DC Statehood.”
Jaime Contreras, Executive Vice President, SEIU 32BJ:
“On behalf of 10,000 property services workers in DC, among over 175,000 in 12 states, 32BJ SEIU today announced their strong opposition to the campaign to recall Ward 6 Councilmember Charles Allen. Motivated by Allen’s long track record of improving life for low-wage working families and essential workers, the union is throwing their full support behind the effort to defeat the campaign. Charles Allen has been one of the most accessible, thoughtful, and reliable forces on the Council for low-wage workers and their families who struggle to survive in such an expensive city. The recall campaign could undo all of this progress and hurt the most vulnerable residents and essential workers who sacrificed their health and lives keeping our city and economy running. It defies logic to hold a single Councilmember responsible for what has proven to be a very large, complex and systemic problem stemming from forces largely outside of the Council’s control (court system, federal control, etc.).”
Elizabeth Engel, Chair, Ward 6 Democrats:
“The Ward 6 Democrats fully support our democratically-elected Councilmember, Charles Allen, and unequivocally oppose this recall effort. This recall attempt is a misguided effort designed to scapegoat Charles for a regional increase in crime. This campaign will be a waste of energy, attention, and taxpayer money that will not materially improve safety in our neighborhood or our city. Addressing crime is a complex issue that involves, at minimum, all 13 members of the Council, the mayoral administrative and executive functions of city government, MPD, prosecutorial decisions, judges, detention, and rehabilitation services. Specific to DC, our criminal legal system, particularly prosecution, judicial staffing, and imprisonment, is further hampered by the fragmentation that is a result of our lack of statehood. Contrary to the messaging of the recall campaign, Charles is not the reason for DC’s crime problems. He has been tackling this issue head on, not avoiding it as the recall campaigners would have you believe. In short, this is a distraction at a time when DC can least afford it. We have serious issues to address as a community and as a nation in 2024.”
DC Latino Caucus, an Affiliate of the DC Democratic Party:
DC Latino Caucus Supports Councilmembers Charles Allen and Brianne Nadeau Against Recalls; Urges Residents to #DeclineToSign Petitions; Calls on DC Democratic Party to Respond To GOP Influence. Link to full statement of support.
Raymond Jackson, President, Amalgamated Transit Union Local 689
“Charles Allen has been an instrumental leader in making sure our city’s transportation is world-class. We’re looking forward to working with him as a partner to ensure transit is fully funded. I’ll also always remember that he was one of the few councilmembers who called me right after we lost one of our own members at the horrific Potomac Ave Metro shooting. He cares about riders, transit, workers, and safety. Make no doubt about it.” Link to full statement of support.
Paul Schwalb, Executive Secretary-Treasurer of UNITE HERE Local 25 (Joint Statement with UNITE Local 23 and 25)
“Our members are predominantly Black and Brown and come from communities for whom public safety is a top priority. Councilmembers Allen and Nadeau have clear records of legislating to ensure that our members can work and live safely and with dignity in DC. This recall effort is an absurd stunt driven by out-of-touch DC residents that voters should soundly reject.” Link to full statement of support.